Penny Value Simulator

During development, Moneris provides simulator systems for testing your solution and ensuring your applications and systems are ready to handle transaction responses.

The cent value of the transaction is what determines the response code in the testing environment. For example, a transaction made for an amount of $5.00 OR $1.00 will be approved. The response code returned for an amount other than those listed here is not predictable.

VISA Cards

  • Transactions values between $11.00 to $ 50.99, $60.01 to $119.99 and $130.01 to $150.00 will always be approved.

  • Transactions values between $51.00 to $60.00 will always be declined with ISO/RESP code 41/421

  • Transactions values between $120.00 to $130.00 will always be declined with ISO/RESP Code 54/482

Transactions with penny values of 91 to 98 may behave unexpectedly due to a delay in the response to terminal causing a timeout to occur.

MasterCard and Diners Club Cards

Transactions with penny values of 91 to 98 may behave unexpectedly due to a delay in the response to terminal causing a timeout to occur.

AMEX Cards

For AMEX, simulation amount must be exact as mentioned above for decline responses. For approved response, you can send in any even amount (*.00) except $5.00 (e.g. $4.00, $10.00, $65.00…).


Above $11, the following rules apply for VISA Cards:

Transactions performed with the following VISA card numbers will always
be approved:

Transactions performed with the following VISA card numbers will always
be declined:

These responses may change without notice. Moneris Solutions recommends that you check back regularly for possible updates.

The simulator is not designed for load testing. Moneris Solutions asks that no excessive transaction volume be sent to the simulator. Should you wish to test all the penny values listed, we recommend placing at least a two second pause between each transaction request.